Who is Richard Albertini? Alleged key witness in Johnny Depp trial and ThatUmbrellaGuy 911 call dram

Posted by Elina Uphoff on Friday, April 19, 2024

After Johnny Depp and Amber Heard's defamation trial ended on July 18, YouTuber ThatUmbrellaGuy revealed that a person named Richard Albertini allegedly harassed him. This isn't the first time that the YouTuber has been harassed by the Aquaman actress' team. In June, followers of the 36-year-old actress doxxed the YouTuber.

On July 18, ThatUmbrellaGuy posted a video on YouTube titled, “SHOCKING POLICE AUDIO as Team Amber Heard CALL 911 on ME! – SHARE.” In the video, the content creator revealed that Richard Albertini attempted to file a complaint against him with the police for “witness tampering in a very high-profile case, making criminal threats, doxxing people, and doing podcasts that are putting people in serious danger.”

ThatUmbrellaGuy has gained immense traction in recent months ever since he covered the defamation trial against the two actors, which Johnny Depp won through a unanimous jury vote. Furthermore, the content creator has been vocal about his dislike of Amber Heard.

In the video, Richard Albertini recognizes himself as a “key witness in the Johnny Depp Amber Heard trial.” He added that the YouTuber was making “criminal threats on a podcast against myself and other witnesses.”

ThatUmbrellaGuy also revealed that Richard Albertini and other members of Amber Heard’s team were revealing the address of the YouTuber in an attempt to harass him. However, Heard’s team were unaware that they were reporting the wrong residence. The YouTuber said that they were reporting the content creator’s grandfather’s address in reality.

The alleged key witness, Albertini, also called the YouTube figure an “internet agitator”, and called his podcast “stupid” and stated that it was “filled with gossip, slander, and nonsense.”

Who is Richard Albertini, the alleged witness who harassed ThatUmbrellaGuy

This is not the first time Richard Albertini has been called out by internet users for harassing and torturing individuals. A Twitter post revealed that Albertini “brutally tormented and mentally abused his own sick ailing mother so much that she had to be hospitalized.”

Netizens believe that Richard Albertini was simply used as a distraction by Amber Heard’s team. Internet users also found it strange that the alleged witness never testified in court.

YouTuber Film Streak also claimed that Richard Albertini was Johnny Depp’s former Viper Room bar-back, but changed sides in recent years and has alleged that the Edward Scissorhands actor has been physically abusive towards several people.

Albertini appeared in a TikTok video uploaded by @teamheard.co. In the video, he accused Johnny Depp’s alleged hitman Paul Beresi of attempting to harass him and other witnesses on Amber Heard’s side to ensure that they did not speak against the 59-year-old actor.

However, no evidence of the same has been uploaded online.

As mentioned before, this is not the first time Amber Heard’s team has been accused of silencing Johnny Depp's supporters. In the past, journalist and Heard's friend Eve Barlow exposed ThatUmbrellaGuy’s real identity which the YouTuber had intentionally kept hidden. Bot Sentinel’s CEO Christopher Bouzy also got into an internet feud with the content creator for profiting from the defamation trial. Bouzy has worked with Heard’s team in the past. However, he claims to no longer work with the actress.

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