Who is Cameron Vaughan? 16-yr-old waives off anonymity, slams SHOCKING sentence for rapist

Posted by Valentine Belue on Friday, April 26, 2024

A 16-year-old girl, who accused a teen boy of raping her, has waived off her anonymity and questioned a judge’s decision to not sentence the boy despite finding him guilty first. Cameron Vaughan has slammed the sentencing by Adams County Judge Robert Adrian, who reversed his own decision after initially finding Drew Clinton, 18, guilty of raping the girl.

On a January 3 verdict, the judge said, “By law, the court is supposed to sentence this young man to the Department of Corrections. This court will not do that. That is not just. There is no way for what happened in this case that this teenager should go to the Department of Corrections. I will not do that.”


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If judge Adrian had remained true to his initial judgment that he took in the October bench trial, Clinton would have received a minimum four-year sentence for sexual assault​, which he carried out during a graduation party in Quincy on May 30, 2021. But now since the judge claimed that the prosecutors had failed to prove their point, the teenager – now a Michigan resident – is a free man after spending just 148 days in county jail which the judge deemed enough.

Who is Cameron Vaughan?

Vaughan is the girl who blamed Clinton for rape and now that he has been set free, she has criticized the judge and his decision while revealing her identity. Speaking with DailyMail.com, the teenager said that judge Adrian “is not suited to do his job”. “Drew should be in prison if it wasn't for that stupid judge. His decision is unexplainable,” she stated and added: “It's scary to come out and talk about this, especially when a judge make this kind of decision. What happened to me isn't something that happens, and we have to keep fighting for justice.”

Vaughan also spoke with WGEM TV in Illinois and recalled her trauma, “I woke up at my friend's place with a pillow over my face so I couldn't be heard and Drew Clinton inside of me. I asked him to stop multiple times and he wouldn't. I finally got off the couch and pushed him off of me and he jumped up and just started playing video games as if nothing had happened.”

Judge Adrian had apparently blamed the parents of the teenagers for the incident. He had said, “They allowed 16-year-olds to bring liquor to a party. They provided liquor to underage people, and you wonder how these things happen. Well, that's how these things happen.” And reacting to this, Vaughan said: “He made it seem like I fought for nothing, and that I put my word out there for no reason. I immediately had to leave the courtroom and go to the bathroom. I was crying.”

She also took to Facebook to slam the judge by writing, “What happened May 30th 2021 was not okay. What drew Clinton did to me was not okay. But what judge Adrian did on January 3rd is even worse. Judge Adrian basically said it was me and my parents fault that drew raped me. They took his side on everything. The the dna evidence, him admitting to it, and all the proof and yet drew Clinton is free. He is a walking rapist let free because of judge Adrian. Spread the word. Let everyone know judge Arian is not a well suited judge.”

The teenager's father Scott Vaughan has also expressed his disappointment over the ruling. He told WGEM, “She was a cross-country runner, she ran in track, she was an honor roll student. Now, she's lucky to carry a C average and she's dropped out of all sports. All of her learning is at home now. She can't go to school.”

Scott also gave an interview to Muddy River News and lambasted the judge: “What a low blow. You have just basically not given my daughter any justice. I have sat by my daughter’s bedside for three, four months, five months. … She is not well from this. Way too many things happened to say this did not happen. While this guy’s ripping me, as a parent, what was I supposed to do?”

The devastated father added: “Was my 16-year-old daughter drinking under the age at a graduation party that I was unaware of? Absolutely. Were a bunch of these girls swimming in a pool in their underwear? Yep. Is that a terrible mistake? Yes. Did (Clinton) make a mistake? Sure. Would he take it back if he could?  Probably. But the fact is, he still violated her without her permission. Pardon my language, but I feel like I was s**t all over by this judge.”

Meanwhile, a petition has been started to “File Charges Against Judge Adrian for Abuse of Judicial Discretion and Power”. The message reads, “Judge Adrian does not have the authority to change the law because he wants to. His job is to uphold and defend the law. There is no contest that Drew S. Clinton did sexually penetrate the victim. There was no contest that the victim was 16 years old at the time. By that simple fact alone, the victim was legally unable to offer sexual consent under any circumstances. Additionally, intoxicated persons are not able to offer consent. The sexual assault this young girl experienced is egregious in and of itself - but what Judge Adrian has said and done to not only this survivor but to ALL current and future sexual assault survivors and their loved ones is an irreconcilable deviation from both the spirit and the letter of the law. If he does not have faith and consistency in his own rulings, there is no reason for the public to respect his continuance in the position of power as an authority of the law.”
