Which Dodgers players have also played for the Mariners? MLB Immaculate Grid Answers September 4

Posted by Elina Uphoff on Saturday, May 25, 2024

Each day, fans around the MLB look forward to the newest edition of Immaculate Grid.

The 3 x 3 puzzle has relatively simple rules. Users must consider the three clues on each axis and populate the nine squares with the names of relevant MLB players.

On Sept. 4, users were asked to name players who have appeared in uniform for both the Los Angeles Dodgers as well as the Seattle Mariners.

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Here are some possible answers.

"Immaculate Grid 155. Retweet or reply with your score!" - Immaculate Grid

The Los Angeles Dodgers were the first team that Adrian Beltre ever played for. Making his debut in 1998, it would be some years before the Dominican third baseman reached esteemed status in the league.

In 2004, Beltre hit .334/.388/.629 with a league-best 48 home runs and 121 RBIs. In 2005, the Mariners inked him to a five-year deal worth $64 million. He would spend five seasons in Seattle before joining the Texas Rangers, with whom he would become the first-ever Dominican player to record 3,000 hits.

When he retired in 2018, Beltre was the only third baseman in MLB history with 3,000 hits and 400 home runs.

"22 years ago today, the @Dodgers signed 15-year-old Adrian Beltre … not sure he’s aged yet. #TBT" - MLB

The best season of Venezuelan outfielder Franklin Gutierrez's career came in 2009, his first with the Seattle Mariners. "El Guti" recorded a personal best 18 home runs and 70 RBIs. The following season, his play in the outfield won him a Gold Glove.

Arthritis kept him off the field for the entire 2014 season. Gutierrez inked a one-year, $2.6 million deal with the Dodgers in 2017, but nagging injuries limited him to just 35 games wherein he recorded one home run and eight RBIs before announcing his retirement.

Other players who have played for Dodgers and Mariners | MLB Immaculate Grid September 4

Current San Francisco Giants outfielder AJ Pollock won the 2015 Gold Glove with the Arizona Diamondbacks. Pollock recorded at least 15 home runs in three straight seasons with the Dodgers (2019-2021) and was dealt to the Mariners in 2022, appearing in just 49 games before again being shipped down the coast to play for the Giants.

"AJ Pollock ROBBED Manny Machado’s homer (via @Dodgers)" - Sports Center

In 1995, 21-year-old Mexican Dodgers starter Ismail Valdez began turning heads around the league. The young stud posted an ERA of 3.05 in 27 starts, striking out 150 over 197 innings, and amassing a record of 13-11.

Although Valdez would finish in Rookie of the Year consideration, his career took something of a nosedive soon after. Valdez became a journeyman, and one of the teams he represented in subsequent years were the Mariners. In 2002, Valdez posted a 4.93 ERA in eight starts in Seattle.

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