Top 5 rarestLegendaryand Mythic items to ever exist in Fortnite

Posted by Valentine Belue on Saturday, May 4, 2024

Getting hold of rare Fortnite items is a blessing for gamers. These rare items give an advantage as they are potent and can draw the line between a winner and a second place.

There are several items in Fortnite, and their rarities also differ accordingly. While getting hold of Legendary and Mythic items is not at all impossible, the chances are bleak.

This article will reveal the list of the top five rarest Legendary and Mythic items to ever exist in Fortnite.

Note: This article is based on the views of its writer.

Fortnite: Rarest Mythic and Legendary items

5) TNTina's Ka-Boom Bow

TNTina's Ka-Boom Bow is one of the rarest Mythic items in Fortnite. The rarity is because this weapon was available by defeating TNTina in the game. The weapon used to drop only once, and therefore gamers had to toss their entire luck to grab it in Fortnite. TNTina was positioned in the left-bottom corner of the map, which is why players rarely got hold of her Ka-Boom Bow.

4) Skye's Assault Rifle

Assault Rifles are one of the most popular weapons in the game. With proper damage to the enemy, fast reload speed and high fire rate, it is pretty reliable when challenging the opponent.

Skye's Assault Rifle was only available when gamers defeated the NPC in Fortnite. Like TNTina, Skye's location was also in the corner (top-right, in this case) of the map. Hence, it was a daunting task for any looper to come across her SCAR.

3) Golden Scar Assault Rifle

Orelia came to the island and inhabited the loneliest part of the map on the southwestern aspect. She was not at all alone and carried the Golden Scar to protect her.

The weapon variant was quite rare, and gamers flocked at the location to fight for it. The craze was quite unreal, and gamers who wanted to get hold of it had to fight till the very end.

2) Golden Mushroom

The Golden Mushrooms act as any other consumable and boosts the shield of gamers in Fortnite. However, coming across one in the game is extremely difficult.

The Golden Mushroom can only be used when the shield is less than 100. It must be noted that picking the Golden Mushroom will change it to a normal one. Therefore, gamers will be required to have it without picking it up.

1) Mythic Goldfish

The rarest Fortnite item is undoubtedly the Mythic Goldfish. The probability of fishing a Mythic Goldfish is 0.0001%.

The Mythic Goldfish acts as a throwable and deals 200 damage to opponents and structures.

The Battle Bus is heading into Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 4 soon! Check out the final Fortnite item shop today!

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