Top 20 funny Sorcerer names to choose in Diablo 4

Posted by Sebrina Pilcher on Sunday, May 5, 2024

Sorcerers are among the most popular classes in Diablo 4. They have a variety of skills that can dish out tons of damage while crowd-controlling enemies. You might think that the trade-off for this power is immobility, as in other MMORPGs, but Sorcerers are also the most slippery characters in the game. It's no surprise that a lot of players pick up this class to excel in the title.

Season of the Malignant in Diablo 4 went live on July 20, 2023. Both old and new players are expected to delve into this season of the game. Since the title requires players to create a new character to access most of the seasonal content, you will need a new username.

20 hilarious Sorcerer names to use in Diablo 4

Many players often resort to funny and witty names to add light to the ever-gloomy world of Sanctuary. Here are some name suggestions for your Sorcerer character:

  • SirLoinofBeef
  • PrincessSofia
  • chonkee
  • Soccerer
  • AvadaKedavra
  • Dingleberry
  • wham
  • Sorecerer
  • Dumbledoor
  • YourMomSays
  • ChickenWings
  • HarryPotter
  • WizardPuff
  • HellfireHank
  • BaalBuddy
  • LilithsBeach
  • NowYouSeeMe
  • NowYouDont

Unlike other MMORPGs with almost limitless naming systems, Diablo 4 only allows players to have one-word names with 12 characters.

In Diablo 4, character names are not too unique, so you can freely choose among the names on this list without having to worry about duplication. You can also create more characters of the same name.

Whatever name you choose, make sure that it won't offend anyone in the game to maintain respect.

Can you change your name in Diablo 4?

Unfortunately, at the moment, there is no way you can change an existing character's name in Diablo 4. You get to choose a name only when you create a new character for the first time.

Alternatively, you can delete your existing character and create a new one. However, by doing so, you lose all the progress you made in the game.

It is important to think about whether the name you want to use is worthy enough to sacrifice hours of grinding. However, if you already made up your mind, head over to the character selection screen and then choose the character you want to delete. On the right side, select the "Delete Character" button.

You will be asked to enter the character's name to confirm its deletion. After typing it, press the Delete button, and it will be gone from your screen.

However, if you just want to create a new character with a different name, now is the perfect time to do so with the release of Season of the Malignant.

You will need to create a new character to access most of the season's content, so this is a great opportunity to use the moniker you have been thinking of.

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