Isagi cautious of more meta vision users, Kaiser decides to step up

Posted by Valentine Belue on Tuesday, May 14, 2024

With the spoilers for Blue Lock chapter 218 out, fans witnessed Isagi analyze the possibility of more meta vision users on the field. Considering that Niko had appeared as one out of nowhere, more such users could pop up from either team.

The previous chapter saw Isagi understand Ubers and Barou's play as he realized how Barou had developed a new ability, Predator Eye, using which he could scan for goal opportunities to pounce on. Later in the chapter, Niko kicked the ball away from Isagi to reveal his meta vision.

Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from the Blue Lock manga.

Blue Lock chapter 218 spoilers: Kunigami is on the move

As per the spoilers for Blue Lock chapter 218, titled Game Changer, the chapter is set to open with Isagi asking Niko how he was able to reach his position. Given that he had meta vision, it should have been impossible for Niko to reach him while being out of his vision unless he had meta vision.

However, Niko seemed to have no idea what meta vision was as he experienced the enhanced vision and the brain to play such football during the match itself. Regardless, he was hoping to build on the same vision and take over the match through his abilities.

That's when Raichi Jingo came to scold Isagi about his mistake because if he would have retained the ball, he could have created a huge chance. Isagi instantly apologized and asked Raichi if he was able to understand Isagi's movements. However, Raichi believed that Isagi intercepted the ball away from Lorenzo because he was close to the position.

This argument helped Isagi realize that not everyone could use meta vision, meaning more such users could appear in the match. As per Isagi, there were only three meta vision users on the field, with the possibility that Lorenzo could also develop one. Other than them, the only person with special eyes was Barou, but his ability was only focused on scoring goals and not the entire field.

As the match was set to resume again in Blue Lock chapter 218, Isagi prepared for the match field with ball reading as the next goal was going to be crucial. At the same time, Ness was worried about what they could do to stop Lorenzo. Kaiser asked Ness to calm down as he was set to set the match ablaze with his meta vision and determination.

As the match resumed with Bastard Munchen's possession, Kunigami Rensuke appeared out of nowhere and stole the ball away from Ness and headed for the goal, disrupting the flow of the match.

Final thoughts on Blue Lock chapter 218 spoilers

As per Blue Lock chapter 218 spoilers, Kunigami Rensuke is set to take the initiative in the match as he must most likely be irritated at his lack of presence in the match. With such built-up frustration, Kunigami could bring about a change in Bastard Munchen's playstyle. Nevertheless, Ubers must have a game plan to stop him as well.

With Ikki Niko having activated his meta vision, there is a good chance that he could stop Kunigami. However, one must remember the toll meta vision takes on a user.

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