How to fix NHL 23 Online Versus not working?

Posted by Valentine Belue on Wednesday, May 15, 2024

NHL 23 offers online and offline experiences to players courtesy of the different game modes added in this year's release. Due to a large number of issues, they have been encountering a lot of problems with the versus mode. Thankfully, some workarounds for these issues can temporarily solve the errors disrupting the services.

There have been some major incidences of bugs that have been causing issues for the versus mode. It requires continuous network connection at all times, and any disruptions will remove players from the session. Ordinarily, it should only happen when there's a network error on the player's end.

Due to bugs and glitches, players have lost access to the online versus mode due to no fault. While EA Sports can only provide a permanent fix, there are a few temporary solutions that one can try. While none of these are guaranteed successes, there's no harm in trying, as users will be able to play the online mode in NHL 23.

The NHL 23 community has found some workarounds for the problems existing in the Online Versus mode

There have been multiple problems in the Online Versus mode, and some are down to issues with the servers. The publishers usually give official notice about the durations if there's server maintenance. Updates can be found on Twitter by following the official handle of the game.

Resetting the router

While the servers for NHL 23 have been far from perfect, the problem could be at the players' end. Restarting the router can remove traces of a dead network and restore the connection. If that doesn't solve the problem, you can also reset your router/modem and see if it improves anything.

Change NAT type

In most cases, the NAT type is strict, which causes problems when you try to play online modes in games like NHL 23. Thankfully, NAT types can be changed, and every platform has plenty of guides to help with the process. If you decide to change the NAT type, they should open it (type 1).

P.S. Open NAT types have their own risks. You are requested to ensure the safety of your devices at your own risk.

Change MAC address

The MAC address can easily be changed for those encountering problems on their Xbox console. You must go to your network settings and pick the advanced options. Next, you will have to choose an alternate MAC address and clear it. Once done, restart the console, which could solve your problems.

The steps mentioned above will likely remove any problems that could exist on the player's end. However, some have reported persistent issues despite all their attempts, as the servers have been equally problematic. One strange situation when the problem has been caused is when one changes edited lineups in the online versus mode.

In such cases, you won't have many options at your end to make the online versus mode of NHL 23 work to your liking. E.A. Sports has been busy trying to fix the situation at the moment, but many problems persist. Players will genuinely hope that the persistent problems will be removed as soon as possible.

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