Five Things You Didnt Know about Samantha Bee

Posted by Elina Uphoff on Saturday, June 8, 2024

Samantha Bee

Samantha Bee is the amazingly funny comedian and television host from the hit show Full Frontal with Samantha Bee. What makes her so fantastic is the fact that she is not afraid to say what we are all thinking when we are all thinking it. She is witty, quick and she is intelligent, and it’s why her show has always had such high ratings. At the moment, she’s simply trying to make sense of this presidential race, and the rest of us are trying to understand it along with her. In what might be a comedian’s dream race, the rest of the country looks to her to tell us what’s funny and make us laugh; all while on a serious note. We love her, and we thought it might be the best time to get to know a bit more about the hilarious Samantha Bee.

She’s Canadian

She was born and raised in Toronto before she began her career as a comedian. She did not live the country until she was hired by Jon Stewart approximately 13 years ago, and she’s a full-on Canadian. What’s so great about people like Samantha Bee is that Canadians always seem so kind, so genuine and so nice. She’s managed to add hilarious to that list, but she really does come across as a genuine person with a really lovely personality. I like to think it’s because she’s Canadian and all the best people seem to come from there.

She’s an Author

In 2010, Samantha Bee published a book that was actually pretty good. It’s called I Know I Am, But What Are You? And it was met with good reviews. Her authoring career should come as no big surprise to anyone considering the fact that she is a news anchor and a comedian, and somehow everyone in that line of work always manages to get a book deal.

She’s Not an American Citizen

What’s always fascinating to the rest of us is that she’s been here so long she should be American, but she is not. She and her also Canadian-born husband are both non-citizens living and working in New York City. She has expressed an interest in obtaining her citizenship since they couple does have three kids all born here and sharing their citizenship with both countries.

She’s Bold

You know this, of course, but do you know how bold she really is? She is so bold that she will call out anyone and everyone for what they say when it’s wrong and when they are making fools of themselves. She has no problem speaking to politicians about how little they know about how an abortion is performed. She has not stopped from saying what is reality and what is in her mind, and we love that she is so bold as to take down those who are not doing what they need to do.

She’s A Baby Making Machine

Samantha Bee has three kids and she had them in just a few years time. She is a mother before anything else, and she is proud of the fact that she has three kids. They are more important to her than anything else in the world, but she does a pretty good job of taking care of her kids and her career at the same time while still putting an importance on both. She’s kind of awesome; but you already know it.

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