Posted by Valentine Belue on Saturday, April 27, 2024

It’s finally here! After the official announcement that Marija is releasing a video for her latest single, fans have been looking forward to see what the up-and-coming popstar had planned for her newest girl power anthem!

And now, we get to find out! We won’t give anything away, but lets just say that the video perfectly matches the song.

In addition to the new single + music video, we’ve once again gotten the chance to chat with with Marija herself about her music and her life.

Image may contain: 4 people, people standing, hat and outdoor

Hello Marija! So, last time we spoke was when you released your single “Louder Than A Drum”. What have you been up to since then, regarding your career?

Hello! It’s been amazing – thanks for asking. Career-wise I’ve been very busy! My debut song “Dance Like Nobody’s Watching” got nominated for the Austrian Amadeus Music Award, “Louder Than A Drum” was video of the year in my home country Serbia and Popmaché and I worked on this new track and filmed the kickass fashion music video just a couple of weeks ago. “All The Girls” has been a major thing for me personally as well – to talk about female empowerment with my audience as another important social topic.

About your newest single, “All The Girls”, it’s without a doubt a girl-power masterpiece. What was the inspiration?

Definitely all the amazing women in my life living their dreams and truth. My female friends have been a huge support all my life so these friendships have had an impact on me as well.Celebration of the girl energy, friendships and power is something I care a lot about because sticking together makes us even stronger. We’re GIRLS and we can do whatever we put our minds to.

“All The Girls” has a similar style to your other singles “Louder Than A Drum” and “Dance Like Nobody’s Watching”. Do you think that this is the style of music you want to stick to or are you open to trying out other genres? If so, which genres would you like to try?

I don’t know what future in music holds for me but I’m confident in what we’re making right now. Pop can be very rich as a genre especially mixed with other elements – so I’m sticking with it for now! Hoping for a nice collaboration in the upcoming future – maybe with someone working in other genre.

You’ve worked with Andreas & Nikola on this song, a duo that helped you with your last singles. What was it like to work with them?

I don’t know if it’s even possible not to love those guys! Popmaché were with me from the beginning so we know each other very well now. Working together on all singles has been a pleasure and I’m always happy to visit their studio and jam with them or record something new. For me personally, it was very important that we connected the way we did so I feel every song they work represents me and my feelings.

You already got nominated for a few awards, which is something that not a lot of artists can say so early on in their career. How does that make you feel?

So happy and proud – proud of committed teams working on each and every project and my amazing fans cheering me on and voting for these to happen. I’m also proud of myself. What I’ve learned is that you should be proud of yourself and not shy about the success. Also something “All The Girls” is preaching.

How have you been dealing with the attention you’ve received so far, both from the media and from your audience?

The attention is not new from me, it has been with me almost from the beginning of working as an influencer. Handling media is always a tricky one but I must say they have all been very nice and respectful. I’m trying to be the best role model I can be to all the young ones and let them know that by being confident in their dreams they can achieve everything. But it’s okay to be sad and insecure sometimes, it’s what makes us human. I have always been honest with my fans if and when I need time alone, away from the spotlight.

Speaking of your audience, seems like they’ve been amazing with the support, seeing as your songs keep hitting the top of the charts. Also your music video for “Dance Like Nobody’s Watching” has more than 17 million views. Quite a big success compared to the standards of your local music scene.

It is, I’m aware of that. But the music scene has been growing here in Serbia and the rest of the region so we all hope views come naturally! 

What is amazing about your music is that it absolutely radiates confidence, something that really steals the spotlight in “All The Girls”. Are you yourself a confident person by nature, or do you have insecurities? 

Oh god, of course I do. Accepting that is very important but I just keep my friends close to make it easier when I struggle with low self-esteem or times are hard.

Name a few artists that inspire you and your music? 

Bea Miller has been a huge inspiration, Madison Beer is very cool. I have a lot of respect for most of YouTubers deciding to become singers and music artists. It’s not that easy switching or juggling careers, trust me! Shawn Mendes has been on top of that list for quite some time now.

Last but not least, a bit of a random question- who would you like to portray you in the movie of your life?

They say I look a lot like Selena Gomez, so that may be the most natural choice. Hailee Steinfeld started her career as a very talented young actress so that also isn’t a bad idea.

Maybe I should find someone unexpected – will keep you updated on this!

Thanks for chatting with us, Marija, and good luck with the new single and your future career!

Thank you so much! Always a pleasure ?

You can follow Marija on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and while you’re at it you can head on over to CelebMix to share the excitement over her new video!
